Little Pig Rosé
“Little Pig Rosé is a wine that carries the most emotional attachment and significance to me as it’s named in memory of my late grandmother (po po 婆婆). Growing up as a child in Hong Kong, my po po called me “Little Pig” in Cantonese (豬仔) as I was born in the Lunar year of the Pig. My po po was an inspiration and hero who was generous, respected, and the best cook in the world.” — Eddie McDougall (founder)
Little Pig loves life, he’s thoughtful, passionate and charismatic. He enjoys jogging along the beach, sharing his love of rosé and tending to his vines under the glistening sunshine. A fun-loving wine that is juicy, crispy-fresh, and pretty in pink. As we like to say — this wine pairs well with good times!